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Bellingham Girls Softball By Laws


Updated October 2023

Article 1.0 NAME 

The name of this organization shall be Bellingham Girls Softball Association, Inc., referred to herein as the BGSA. 

Article 2.0 PURPOSE 

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide the girls of Bellingham with the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the sport of softball, in a safe and organized manner and to develop softball players for the Bellingham School District Softball programs.  The BGSA will ensure that league games are fair, positive and enjoyable experiences for all of the children and adults involved.

2.1 The BGSA shall promote the qualities of good sportsmanship, honesty and integrity, discipline and self-control, dedication and commitment to team concepts above those of the individual. This will assist its participants at maturing physically and socially.  

2.2 Operating funds shall be derived from member registration fees, concessions, contributions, sponsorships and fundraising events. 


Participation shall be open to all girls living in Bellingham between the ages of 5 - 18. Playing Age is child's age as of September 1st of playing year for Travel and Fall Ball and will be defined by specific league requirements for Spring Ball. Any girls interested in playing in the program, from towns outside of Bellingham, will be considered on a case by case basis by the Board of Directors and would need to provide the BGSA Board with approval from the President of their town softball league if such town has a softball league. 


Registration of players for Spring Ball shall take place every year in the Winter time-frame, Fall through Spring for Summer Travel, and Summer for Fall Ball. Registration Fees to be determined by the Board of Directors. No child will be refused participation due to monetary issues. The applicable  league director is to bring any hardship claims to one of the league officers in writing. Players may also be requested to participate in Fundraiser(s) to assist in the League Operation. All parent(s) will be requested to assist in the Concession Stand Operation and/or Field help. 


5.1 The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the operation of the League. 

5.2 Each Director shall have clearly defined duties within the contents of this document, but not limited to. 

5.3 All amendments and restructure to the BGSA by-laws, rules, and policies shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. 

5.4 Final approval for any revisions to the BGSA by-laws requires a majority vote by the Directors. In the case of a tie, the President will cast a deciding vote.


5.5 The Board of Directors “Members” are listed as follows, with duties as described (but not limited to).

Executive Directors include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, all as members of the “Executive Board”: 


o Presides over Annual Meeting and regular business meetings

o Prepares Board Meeting agenda

o Casts deciding vote only, to break a tie during BGSA voting matters  

o Responsible for equitable operation of the league and resolves disputes 

o Represents the BGSA at external meetings and ceremonies 

o Presides over Spring Ball activity. Acts as the Spring Season Lead 

o Conducts CORI checks for all coaches, volunteers and Directors 

o Submits permit requests to schools, town, etc.

o Coordinates Opening Day and conducts the speech 

o Vendor  contact(For Pictures Day and other vendors as needed) 


Vice President 

o Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence 

o Presides over all Fall Ball activity. Acts as the Fall Ball lead

o Develops and writes the rules per league for Fall Ball with assistance from the Scheduling/Umpire Director 



o Collects all fees, contributions, revenue from sales, and fundraising activities. This includes online payments from the BGSA website. 

o Deposits funds into the BGSA account in a timely fashion 

o Pays all BGSA debts and/or bills and reports them to the Board of Directors 

o Keeps financial records and prepares monthly financial reports at each BGSA Board of Director meeting 

o Manages paperwork for ASA, insurance, non-profit status, and filing of taxes 

o Suggests pricing structure per league/activity 



o Keeps minutes for all meetings, primarily the Board of Director monthly meetings.

o Submits minutes from previous meeting for approval at each Board of Director meeting

 o Publishes accepted minutes

o Assists the Development Director in tallying the Evaluation scores 


League and Travel Team Directors (all are responsible for the duties listed below)

* Senior League / 14U Director

* Junior League / 12U Director

* Minors / 10U Director

* Intermediate League / 8U Director

* Instructional League Director


o Suggests Head Coaches for each team and presents to the Board of Directors

o Assists the Concession Stand Director in getting volunteers from teams to staff the Concession Stand

o Manages the Spring Ball Draft for their own league. Assists the President in this task.

o Develops and writes the rules per league for Spring Ball with assistance from the Scheduling/Umpire Director

o Handles all league related communication with BGSA head coaches once those coaches have been picked and approved. This includes, but is not limited to, the communication of assistant coach approval, team rosters and approved rule changes

o Resolves conflict within their own league. Refer to the “Code of Conduct” for protocol.

All League and Travel Team Directors will serve as back-ups to the Travel Director when needed to attend Travel League  meetings.


* Registration and Communications Director 

o Updates and maintains the BGSA website and social media platforms. Content assistant(s) may be selected to assist with social media and/or website content and postings.

o Builds and maintains online registration processes and content for all programs within league specific input required of the League Directors.

o Resolves any registration issues.

o Advertises the league (i.e. online advertising, flyers, etc to promote league registration) 

 * Concession Stand Director 

o Keeps inventory of the Concession Stand, including purchasing of items 

o Oversees all operations of the concession stand

o Determines menu and pricing for each season

o Manages the staffing of the Concession Stand with assistance from the League Directors

o Conducts any staff training needed in the Concession Stand


* Development Director 

o Lead for winter training program

o Leads the creation and updates of the Coach’s Manual for proposal to the Board of Directors for approval.  Coach’s Manual is used  to train coaches and to provide needed league information 

o Suggests/conducts training for players and coaches as necessary (i.e. pitching clinics) 

o Lead for all evaluations (Spring Ball, Travel, Fall Ball) including tallying scores in conjunction with league directors 


* Field Maintenance

o Lead for Clean-Up Day 

o Keeps inventory and orders field maintenance supplies (ex: chalk, gas for mower) 

o Order porta-potties 


* Equipment Director 

Equipment Director responsibilities include: keeping inventory of softballs, necessary catchers gear/bags for all teams, scorebooks, ice packs, practice nets, equipment for our junior umpires, and is the lead for collecting any used equipment donations


* Scheduling / Umpire Director 

o Creates and maintains the schedules for: Director on Duty, games (Spring In-Town and Fall Ball), practices (all seasons), Picture Day (scheduling for teams), and umpires (youth) 

o Requests umpires with the contracted association (usually ASA) for games: older age groups, tournaments, Travel League  games, Fall Ball. 

o Trains youth umpires and coordinates payment with Treasurer 

o Liaison with the ASA Umpire Rep 

o Confirms with the Treasurer that all paperwork for teams being insured is completed 


* Sponsorship / Fundraiser Director 

o Develops and executes all Fundraiser activities. Asks for assistance/volunteers to execute these. 

o Solicits for sponsors, with assistance of other Directors 

o Orders signs for sponsors per contract 

o Develops the Sponsorship Contract with assistance of the Treasurer 

o Collects payment from Sponsors if delinquent 


* Tournament Director 

o Overall accountability for managing and running Bellingham BASH tournaments (ex: tournaments hosted by the BGSA). This includes pre-tournament planning and execution. 

o Suggests to the Board of Directors, for approval, tournaments to apply for in the Travel season. Upon approval, submit applications. 

o Ensure all teams participating in the BASH tournaments are appropriately registered with USA Softball

o Assists Scheduling/Umpire Director with tournament game schedules 

o Recruits teams to participate in BASH Tournaments

o Develops and writes the rules per league for hosted Tournaments with assistance from the Scheduling/Umpire Director 

o Assists the Uniform/Awards Director in ordering tournament shirts to sell 


* Travel League Director 

o Town (i.e. BGSA) liaison with USA Softball, Twin Valley Girls Softball, and leagues where BGSA travel teams may participate outside of the Spring Ball recreation program.

o Attends meetings with USA Softball, Twin Valley Girls Softball, as needed in furtherance of BGSA participation.

o Assists the Uniform/Awards Director in ordering player jerseys/uniforms 


* Uniform / Awards Director 

o Orders shirts for players in all seasons as listed below

* Winter Training for players 

* Spring In-Town for players, coaches, and youth umpires 

* Travel for players and coaches 

* Summer Tournaments for shirts to be sold 

* Fall Ball for players, coaches and for shirts to be sold 


o Orders Director jackets/shirts if desired 

o Orders / Maintain BGSA apparel to be sold in person (i.e. Property of BGSA shirts)

o Lead for setting up/maintaining online store 

Orders trophies needed for leagues 

o Suggests vendor to the Board of Directors for uniforms and awards 

o Presents concepts for shirts to the Executive Board 


All Directors have the following duties: 

* Full board approval (over 50%) on all expenditures of $300 or more. Expenditures under $300 require approval of the Executive Board only.

* Resolving issues not outlined in the by-laws and rules 

* Fundraising activities as may be necessary

* Must attend all meetings of the Board of Directors. If absent, must notify the President prior to meeting and provide status updates. If any Board Member misses three consecutive meetings, without notifying and receiving approval from  the President, a vote shall be taken to remove the Board Member from that current position.

All Board of Director Members are Voting Members, except that the President will cast deciding votes only, to break a tie during BGSA voting matters.

Additional non-voting positions may be appointed at the discretion of the Board of Directors, such as for Concession Committee, Concession Scheduling, Fundraisers, & Director Assistants. 

All Board Members shall be in attendance for Field duty or Concession duty for a minimum of four hours per each Summer Tournament.  All Board Members shall also be in attendance for a minimum of two hours every week during the Fall Ball season. Failure to attend without approval from the President may result in any Board member not being able to be elected to any Board position the following year.

Article 6.0 ELECTIONS 

Election of Board Members shall be held at the Annual Fall meeting held in October. Board membership and voting in the BGSA shall be open to all parents of players, volunteers, and board members. Anyone suspended from league activities due to code of conduct violations will be prohibited from voting or being elected to a board position for the following year. Anyone who subsequently re-joins and commits a second code of conduct violation of any kind  will be asked to not return in any capacity, including as a coach, etc.. Board Members will be elected for a one (1) year term beginning on November 1 and concluding on October 31 of the following calendar year.  Board members are expected to fulfill all responsibilities through the end of their term regardless of their status as a returning board member. Election shall be a simple majority. If a resignation occurs, the Board of Directors will appoint a replacement. Any individual appointed after elections are held shall serve the full remaining term and the position shall be voted on with all other positions at the following Annual Fall meeting.  The election process will be as follows: 

1. Current League Secretary and/or Treasurer will request nominations for President. 

2. Once a President has been elected he/she will preside over the remainder of the election. 

The election will take place in order of: 

* Vice President 

* Treasurer 

* Secretary 

* Senior League / 14U Director 

* Junior League / 12U Director

* Minor League / 10U Director

* Intermediate League / 8U Director 

* Instructional League Director 

* Registration and Communications Director 

* Concession Stand Director 

* Development Director 

* Field Maintenance

* Equipment Director 

* Scheduling / Umpire Director 

* Sponsorship / Fundraiser Director 

* Tournament Director 

* Travel Program Director 

* Uniform / Awards Director 

Article 7.0 MEETINGS
The Annual Fall Meeting shall be open to anyone interested in helping out the BGSA program. Subsequent meeting(s) shall be open to all who may be deemed interested parties. Examples of meetings are Board Meetings, Coaches meetings, Evaluations, Drafts, and any other meeting deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. 

Article 8.0 SCHEDULE
BGSA Softball is a year-round program, including Winter Training, Spring Season, Travel & Tournament teams, and Fall Ball.

The League Directors will nominate Head Coaches for each In-Town team in their respective League, to be approved by the Board of Directors. Each Head Coach shall nominate additional Assistant Coaches and Team Parents after the draft has taken place, to be approved by the Board of Directors. All volunteers for coaching positions (including but not limited to Head Coach and Assistant Coach) must complete a Code-of-Conduct and participate in a CORI review. 

All Committees will be appointed by the Board of Directors based on need.

Rules and Regulations for each league will be stated and given to each coach in the League before the start of season. The Rules Committee consists of a Schedule / Umpire Director as Chairman, Vice President as Co-chairman, and will include League Directors. 

1. The committee shall be responsible for determination of all playing rules and regulations. They will handle all regular season play, procedures, guidelines, and team set-up. 

2. All rules, regulations, and procedures etc. shall be documented by the committee and presented to the Board of Directors for approval before they are adopted. 

3. Changes will be handled in the same manner. During the season rule changes will be discouraged and require unanimous approval of committee and board. 

The program will consist of the following Leagues with the Grades and Age  Ranges specified. Note: The Board of Directors reserves the right to review and amend the League Format and Grade Ranges prior to each Playing Season. Any exceptions to the accepted Boards Format and Grade and Age Ranges will be discouraged. The following table defines league formats and grades as of the playing year. 


Grades (for Spring Ball)

Typical Age Range


Pre K - K

Ages 4 - 5


1 - 2

Ages 6 - 7


3 - 4

Ages 8 - 9


5 - 6

Ages 10 - 11


7 - 12

Ages 12 +


Article 12.0 SELECTION OF SPECIAL TEAMS (All-Star, Tournament, Travel)
The Board of Directors will decide on the existence of any special team(s) or tournament teams. 

12.1 Coaches for each Travel, Tournament or Fall Ball teams will be selected by a vote process of the Board of Directors. There will be multiple votes, with the coach receiving the fewest votes eliminated in each round until one coach is remaining. 

12.2 The Head coach of each team will select their assistant coaches and must present to the Board of Directors for approval.. All coaches (Head & Assistants) must complete appropriate Waivers, Code-of-Conduct and participate in a CORI review. 

12.3 Try-outs will be held for all Travel, Tournament Teams and Fall Ball with all players to be selected by the coaches per the Evaluation Forms completed. 

12.4 Player participation in at least one try-out is MANDATORY to be selected for a tournament team. 

12.5 Each Coach may submit recommendations for any players who show athletic ability and good sportsmanship for teams such as All-Star teams. 

12.6 The number of players per team will be discussed by the Board of Directors to balance between the number of players trying out / interested and the ideal number of players on a team to be competitive and limit bench time. 

12.7 All other decisions as to running the team will be made by the Head Coach, however conforming to the event rules and BGSA by-laws. 

12.8 Each Tournament Team may attend up to 3 Tournaments including Bellingham’s. 

12.9 Requests for additional funds will be made to the Board of Directors. 

12.10 Fees for playing in Special Teams will be determined by the Board of Directors. 

12.11 All girls should remain in their age group during the Travel season unless the board votes to allow them to play up. Exception (per league specific rules) 

12.12 During Fall Ball and Summer seasons, after rosters are set any call ups must be approved by head coaches, applicable League Director and the Development Director 


Article 13 VACANCIES

13.1 Vacancies may occur either through a lack of nominees, resignations, or removal from office.  The President may appoint an individual to any vacancy on the board.  The appointed board member shall complete the term of office for that position when the position shall be elected for a full term.

13.2 Resignations: To resign the board member must submit a written communication to the President and Secretary indicating the intent not to complete the term of office. 

Any individual that resigns their position on the board shall be prohibited from serving as a board member in any capacity for a minimum of six (6) months regardless of the availability of other viable candidates.

13.3 Removal by Vote: A board member may be removed from office upon motion by a member of Board citing either: 1) the provision of the Code of Conduct violated; or 2) a dereliction of duties as described within these bylaws.  The motion shall include facts supporting the allegations.  No second is required to move this motion forward.  The member may make a statement in defense of the motion to remove.  Removal requires a two-thirds majority of the voting members of the Board.  Neither the moving member nor the subject of the motion to remove are permitted to vote, and may not participate in the tally and certification.  The President shall cast a vote.  The vote shall be held by secret ballot.  The Executive Board shall tally and certify the vote as a group.

Removal without Vote: A member may be removed without vote: 1) by President for failing to attend three (3) consecutive meetings or six (6) meetings during the course of the one-year term office; or 2) by Executive Board review of CORI, or other background check, showing the individual is unfit to serve as member of Board.

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